its amazing that people cannot comprehend how someone in our oppressive and puritanical society could Actually just be comfortable in their skin and like to show off without it being some cry for attention or some deep down issue. Ive been getting letters and emails from fans telling me that i dont "have" to strip down, as if the only reason one could possibly have for being free in their body was because they thought that was the only way to get attention or that they had nothing else to offer. I guess i dont realize how unusual it is for someone, especially a man, to be so open and flirtatious in public. well guess what folks, i like taking my clothes off! its liberating! i like flirting with people! im a very free spirit and also work very hard to keep a sexy body and why shouldnt i show it off? it doesn't make my art any less valid, it doesn't mean i don't value myself as an artist or a person, its just another side of me....Madonna is as much an inspiration to me as Ani Difranco, and i want to express all of me! to be honest, the reason i started my career so unclothed was simply because i was so sick of the fashion industry...when any musician can just buy clothes that make them look as cool as can be it becomes contrived, or at least thats where my thought process was...i wanted to express myself in a way that no one could replicate, that was exclusively my own..and so the half-naked body painted character emerged.
I come from a VERY liberal background of northern california where i spent years running around naked in hotsprings and rivers with the wild abandon of freedom. nudity was, is nor will be a big deal! i have nothing to hide! Personally i think if people wore less clothes more often the world would be a better place. its reality. underneath the high powered business suits, and the elaborate dresses and whatever other costumes we wear (and they are all costumes by the way) we are naked, fleshy animals with beating hearts and digestive tracks. There is very little difference between wearing a bodice in a romeo and juliet play and putting on the suit you wear to work, or the jeans you wear to the movies...we clothe ourselves to play a role in this game of life and THATS all! it doesn't mean anything...the studded leather jacket wont make you cooler, the ballgown wont make you a queen, the suit wont make you successful...everything we are and everything we can become comes from within. then why not play a little dress up? i love to play make believe...but i think its important to realize that ITS JUST A COSTUME. and no matter what we wear through out the day we will be confronted with our bodies when we strip it down. and why are we so afraid of our bodies? it reminds me of the scene in one of my favorite movies The DARK CRYSTAL where the outcast skeksi is stripped down in humiliation...all his elaborate robes are gone and he is just a small pitiful creature. But its not real! its some obscure social construct! why not run naked through the streets! let the sun shine on our god-given bodies and proclaim ourselves the children of this wonderful world! my point is that if all you see when someone reveals their body is sin or emotional trauma, perhaps you should look why you cling so desperately to these preconceived notions of what is "acceptable". because it IS possible to have people in this world who are comfortable with thier bodies and with their sexuality and have no problem freely sharing both with the world and have it be a healthy positive act. so instead, why dont you join me? i will be dancing naked in the sun! or mooning my fans late at night on a ustream. or twitpic-ing myself in my underwear when im happy about results of a very drastic lifestyle change towards health and vitality.
"the studded leather jacket wont make you cooler"
..... shhhh! ;)
You make some very valid points. For me, clothes and fashion are a way to protect and express myself. I'm not as open and comfortable sharing as you are. I have appreciation for the human body, and nudity does not offend me in the slightest, let alone a guy in his underwear. I'm from Portland, OR. You in your undies is nothing compared to what I see Downtown when I go shopping.
You've got a gorgeous body, which I'm sure you work hard to maintain... you have every right to be proud of it and show it off. More power to you.
I hear what you're saying, I really do. As soon as I get my testosterone prescription and I have my chest surgery, I'll be right there with you running naked for the world to see.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
I constantly worry about how other people see me. I fear judgement. I admire your free spirit and you are talented and gorgeous! I find your attitude refreshing and I hope I can incorporate some Cassidy philosophy into my life. Especially quitting coffee, oy. :)
I just feel bad that you feel the need to vent about this - there's no reason at all to defend yourself! Yeah, you're one hot guy! I'd be the first to say that, but it's obvious, at least to me that it's a natural thing, not some flashy "notice me!" thing!! Mys sis in law is the original hippie - up in the mountains of Colorado, nude pics of her pretty pregnant self - skinny dipping in her own pond, at her own house up in Ithaca, NY - inviting others at the local "Grassroots Festival" to come and swim any which way - funny - I didn't give a damn until my ex got all up in my face about modesty, etc. - what the hell ever! Nudity is natural - it's beautiful and modesty is beyond the realm of my understanding, especially when you might as well let it all hang out in some scanty beach costume - better off just taking it all off and being free! Please - Long Island/NY/most of the USA is so uptight it's painful to just exist here! Do not apologize or explain, Cassidy!! If peeps don't get it they are not the ones you want to have in your life!!
I've always accepted you as you are. I don't expect you to change and don't understand why some people do. You have never waivered when "exposing" us to your art.
I fucking love everything about this entry, and agree with all of it. The world wouldn't have anywhere near the emotional turmoil that it does if more people could see things the way you've just described them. A+
Cassidy, I believe that most of the "fear" of nudity had it's beginnings with the bible (as many oppressive notions in our society) I am Wiccan, and we, as a rule, are much more comfortable in our "skyclad" state. Some Wiccans circle nude together, most swim nude at gatherings, and some of us stand outside under a full moon and let the light wash over us. (yes, even in Canada-Ha)A lot of our inhibitions are so ingrained from thousands of years of bitter old men telling the masses that they should be ashamed-of everything- not just their naked bodies, but of their passions, needs, desires...in essence, their humaness.
If you want to dance around in your underwear, then, that is fine by me. You are connecting with all that is...and upping the eye candy at the same time.
redhairedwitch on twitter
I just feel bad that you feel the need to vent about this - there's no reason at all to defend yourself! Yeah, you're one hot guy! I'd be the first to say that, but it's obvious, at least to me that it's a natural thing, not some flashy "notice me!" thing!! Mys sis in law is the original hippie - up in the mountains of Colorado, nude pics of her pretty pregnant self - skinny dipping in her own pond, at her own house up in Ithaca, NY - inviting others at the local "Grassroots Festival" to come and swim any which way - funny - I didn't give a damn until my ex got all up in my face about modesty, etc. - what the hell ever! Nudity is natural - it's beautiful and modesty is beyond the realm of my understanding, especially when you might as well let it all hang out in some scanty beach costume - better off just taking it all off and being free! Please - Long Island/NY/most of the USA is so uptight it's painful to just exist here! Do not apologize or explain, Cassidy!! If peeps don't get it they are not the ones you want to have in your life!!
hey, naked works for me
I just feel bad that you feel the need to vent about this - there's no reason at all to defend yourself! Yeah, you're one hot guy! I'd be the first to say that, but it's obvious, at least to me that it's a natural thing, not some flashy "notice me!" thing!! Mys sis in law is the original hippie - up in the mountains of Colorado, nude pics of her pretty pregnant self - skinny dipping in her own pond, at her own house up in Ithaca, NY - inviting others at the local "Grassroots Festival" to come and swim any which way - funny - I didn't give a damn until my ex got all up in my face about modesty, etc. - what the hell ever! Nudity is natural - it's beautiful and modesty is beyond the realm of my understanding, especially when you might as well let it all hang out in some scanty beach costume - better off just taking it all off and being free! Please - Long Island/NY/most of the USA is so uptight it's painful to just exist here! Do not apologize or explain, Cassidy!! If peeps don't get it they are not the ones you want to have in your life!!
Stick to your beautifully sculpted guns. You're right about the clothes all being costumes. Wear or don't wear whatever the hell you want. I feel the same way. Skin is just part of the outfit. Most of the world hides behind costumes all day, every day. As someone who enjoys the clothing optional lifestyle, and loves to combine lots of skin with outrageous clothing to get just the right outfit, I say more power to us! ;)
i love ur art form =)and i think u've just made me realize something...
you tell em, Cassidy! Personally, I think it's great that you are so comfortable with who you are!
Your willingness to reveal yourself in body and spirit is one of the most endearing things about you. In a world where we "prepare a face to meet the faces that we meet" honesty like yours is to be cherished. You're beautiful, Casssidy, inside and out, and we love you for who you are.
This is why I'm such a fan of yours! You feel so free to express yourself. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you want to do. We should all be more open like you! Hugs! And keep the twitpics coming- you're inspirational!
It both amazes and confuses me that people always feel the need to harp on everything you do, though I suppose being bombarded with unsolicited opinions is a part of being part of the public eye. If people run their mouths, it means you've gotten their attention!
Have you seen Amanda Palmer's ukelele kitchen blogsong on youtube? I'm reminded of this part: "I am a part of the music continuum and I'm a part of this typical world, and I'm often naked and play the accordian, I am a 33 and a half year old girl." It's just a part of your whole persona to me, who you are, an afterthought to your status as a musician and performer. I've never seen it as particularly attention whorish (but all artists are essentially attention whores anyway), and honestly your fans are the people who keep asking you to take your clothes off anyway so it's kind of hypocritical that these are the same people that turn around and make assumptions about you.
I hope you don't let these opinions change you. I doubt you will, but keep doing what you do. Keep flirting with whoever you choose. Keep dressing or not dressing however you want. Honestly, with a body like yours I'm surprised you ever want to wear clothes at all.
But devil's advocate here: If you're so comfortable with your natural body, why do you work so hard to make sure its appearance conforms to dominant social ideas about attractiveness? Why is having it look "sexy" in a very conventional way so important to you?
because my dear, ive always wanted to be a superhero and everyone knows that superheroes are the fittest of the fit!
Bravo baby! Hear, hear. I couldn't agree more.
-- Sam
Cass I love everything you've said here. I too have always been very comfortable being nude and have had to deal with people questioning my self esteem because of it. I believe that it takes quite a bit of esteem to let people see you without clothes lol. I wish I loved at a nudist colony at times haha. And I loooove lookin at your body, but I also looooove listening to your music =)
I ache for you that you have to keep responding to the proverbial beating of a very dead horse. Hey, "fan"-folks, if Ya' don't like it, exit stage left NOW! And don't let the art hit you in the ass. You won't be missed. Cassidy, you are a beautiful artist and true fans love every spec of your artistry.
I was subbing for a 3rd grade class the other day and they were reading The Emperor's New Clothes. One of the boys kept laughing and when I asked him why, he wouldn't answer me. The boy next to him spoke up and said, "He flipped ahead to the end and the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. I don't understand why that's so funny."
We continued reading to find out why the emperor was naked. The beginning of the story talks about how the emperor used his clothes to show off and pretend to be something he thought he had to be. His new "invisible" clothes changed that.
When I asked the students what the lesson was in this, one girl said, "Clothes don't allow you to be your true self. They are something to hide behind." Another student said, "The emperor has to feel comfortable with himself and know who he is before he can lead other people."
I had completely forgotten about that discussion until I read your blog.
I hate that you have to explain yourself and I wish more people (including myself) could be as free and comfortable in their own skin as you are in yours.
I've worked as a costumer and in other creative venues for a long time. I second your statement that it's ALL costume. Some of it is just more fun than others. I REVEL in every opportunity I get to be paid to wear something fun. The rest of the time, I wear fun stuff because I wanna, and ain't nobody can't make me do otherwise.
It's not an artist's job to please everyone. It's the artist's job to create what the universe made them to see, so the rest of us see it as well. If it disturbs some people . . . GOOD. Probably they needed some cognitive shakeup from stagnant assumptions. You're an amazing artist, and it's obvious to anyone who's paying attention that you do what's in your heart, which is the way it should be.
Also, frankly, you're gorgeous, and I've never seen the problem with working what you got, as long as it comes from a place of self confidence, which it clearly does in your case. And SERIOUSLY . . . since when is a hot person semi-clothed a PROBLEM? Most healthy people enjoy that sorta thing, or so I understand.
Ha, ha, so long comment is long, but you get the idea. I've been hassling everyone I know to come with me when you come through Houston. Rock ON, Cassidy!
I'm so sad that you have had to defend your position on this - it never occurred to me that someone might take issue with the way you do things. It never occurred to me to view what you're doing as attention-seeking or um, anything other than you being you and us enjoying you and you enjoying us enjoying you.
I'm going to keep enjoying.
Cassidy,keep being who you are. You are beautiful inside and out.
I'm a big fan and understand and appreciate the way you do/do not dress yourself. Want to remind you, though, that not everyone is comfortable being exposed, or wishes to express themselves through their clothing. Just because people like me dress conventionally, it doesn't mean we necessarily are closed-minded or unable to "get" you. Don't judge a book by...you know. Carry on!
I wear clothes to protect the eyes of the innocent. You've got a hot body... not everyone does :/ lolololol
How true. No one could've said it better. I definitely agree...
Maybe it's all costume, all the time out there in LA, but that won't fly out here in the northeast. Run around naked = frostbite here, baby! Enjoy your nudity while we yanks are lumbering about wrapped in layers.
That's one hell of a lot of comments.
Needless to say, what you pointed out here is very true. Would I myself strip down to my underwear? No. For the time being, I happen to be in a state where I am not comfortable with my body. If I COULD strip down to my underwear and take pictures and feel good about it, I might not post them on the Internet. I feel that females (like myself) are ostracized more by showing skin, and that people have been known to find pictures of women dressed in nothing but lingerie and post it on a porn site.
Honestly, I couldn't care less about the fact that you were only wearing a pair of undies in a pic. You looked kickass. And I admire that.
Well said, sir.
I absolutely admire your view and how open you are. I think the world needs more people like you. It would be such a better place. Everything about you is inspiring. Thank you for sharing and just know that I, as well as so many others, love you for who you are <3
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